The above video is just one of the attack ads aimed toward unseating the Chair of the National Black Caucus and the state of Michigan 13th Congressional District U.S. Representative Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick. Former Michigan State Representative Mary Waters and current State Representative Martha G. Scott went on FlashPoint today to discuss the issues and why each should be elected. While going into the debate, I was told that Congresswomen Kilpatrick, the mother of Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick who is engulfed in perjury and other city issues, is facing perhaps her toughest challenge since winning the seat in 1996 from than incumbent Barbara Rose-Collins, who sits on Detroit City Council now.
The Flashpoint forum really was suppose to showcase the Congressman experience and her ability to lead but it turned into a cat fight between all three candidates. However one thing was clearly seen from the forum and that is Mary Waters has no reason to be in the race because clearly this race is between Kilpatrick and Scott. From just looking at the forum, one could say that Scott doesn't understand D.C. and that is a problem but if experience mattered than Obama wouldn't be the Democratic Presidential candidate. Secondly, the forum showed that Kilpatrick was arrogant by saying she had all the big endorsements and saying that Waters can't even hold her bra.
The constant brawling between the candidates along with Water's not knowing exactly what is needed to improve the city of Detroit, the Michigan economy and the United States than it is clearly a sign that Waters is just running because she saw an opportunity. Nonetheless, Scott told the audience she is running because the people told her to run and the people are who she listens to. In fact from looking at Scott's campaign and Kilpatrick's over the last couple of months, you wouldn't even know that Scott was the challenger. Scott has the same amount of experience as Kilpartrick in politics and Kilpatrick has left room for Scott to come in and perhaps pull off an upset. Kilpatrick's campaign that has $1 million dollars and about $300,000 on hand has not been ran properly.
So as an incumbent if Kilpatrick doesn't at least garner 60% or more of the vote than some young cat in the city of Detroit will look at Kilpatrick as vulnerable in the next election. While many big whigs from Washington such as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Congressman Charlie Rangell of New York and others will be in Michigan to help Kilpatrick campaign in the next two weeks, it makes me wonder why they are coming now and didn't come sooner. Plus it makes me wonder why Kilpatrick just recently got her lawn signs and didn't get her literature pieces until a a week into July. So what I'm seeing from Kilpatrick is that her son knows how to run a campaign better than her and her son should have her seat right now.
Thus with all of Kilpatrick's experience and the wealth of money she has, she not put her opponent's away yet. In fact the fact that Kilpatrick talked about bringing Michigan and her district $500 million can't be seen in this state and with her son's trouble, she has not distanced herself from her son and has not taken a position as a mother that shows both compassion and passion for what we the citizens of Detroit are dealing with. That's why if Kilpatrick is re-elected it won't be easy but if she loses, she has only herself to blame and the question of whether Michigan can afford to lose the chairmanship of the National Congressional Black Caucus? I respond to that by saying what has it done for black leaders in Michigan and Detroit.
So, yes we can afford to lose the chairmanship because Kilpatrick has not been able to bring home the results needed for this state and hasn't been able to bring home the results needed for the 13th District. So right now change is good and I really hope the rest of Detroit sees that.
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