Our causes such as the world-wide epidemic of HIV/AIDS is continuing to grow while new outbreaks emerge, new medicines are being delayed from being created. We must fight the powers at be in order to get the necessary funds to do more research and test runs on new medicines that could eventually lead to a cure to HIV and AIDS forever. We must fight the powers at be who want to suppress our causes such as equality and justice for all. We must fight the power if we are ever going to overcome racism, sexism and the other –isms that oppress many of us. We must fight the powers at be if we are going to improve our educational systems.
We can’t allow the powers at be to get away with the same old ideas to the same problems that plague us year after year. We got to fight for what we want and we must fight to get what we need. Fight the Power, people! We can’t allow the powers at be to get away without helping the causes of poverty, health care, ethnic and economic equality. We can’t allow the powers at be to ignore the many causes that have destroyed our families, our neighborhoods and our world as we know.
We must fight the power in order to bring peace and not war. We must fight the power in order to restore stability to this world. We must fight the power in order to accept our differences as not reasons to dislike or hate one another but simply as differences but that doesn’t mean even within our differences we can’t agree on some things. We must fight the power in order to improve the world we live in. We must fight the power in order to lend a hand to those of us that are underprivileged and economically disadvantaged. We must fight the powers at be in order to gain the power that we the people have always controlled but have been brainwashed into believing we are powerless.
Our causes such as women equality is something we must all fight for. We must fight to make sure that a women’s worth in this world is equal to men no matter where they stay. We must fight the power in order to make sure that women are getting their fair share of life in this world. We must fight the powers that be because that is the only way we will be able to overcome the unjust laws that are oppressing us. Fight the power so that we all can achieve our dreams as we all obtain a piece of the dream that has kept us divided for far too long.
Fight the power people with not our hands and fists but with our words and our intellect. Fight the powers that be with our words and our actions. Fight the powers that be with not just hope but with actions. Fight the powers that be by being proactive instead of reactive. Fight the power, people because that is the only way we will be able to help those that are less fortunate than us.
Fight the power people because our best educated refuse to get their hands dirty to fight for the causes that plague so many people. Fight the power people because our best equipped refuse to help us get equipped with the skills and abilities they have so we have to uplift ourselves by training ourselves to fight the powers that be. Those of us who are equipped with the skills and knowledge to fight the powers that be, we must train those who are not. Fight he power people because we can’t allow those who are the best educated, best trained, best equipped and best suited to stop our mission of fighting the powers at be. We have got to fight the powers at be in a way that we have never fought them before.
We have to not fight them with only numbers but with our minds, our words and our actions. We must fight the powers by fighting against those who are afraid to speak up for what they believe in. We must fight the powers that be by hitting them with not only rhetoric but with constant rhetoric and actions. We must fight the powers that be by actively engaging them where they stay and live. We must fight the powers that be by getting inside their comfort zone and making them uncomfortable.
We must fight the powers that be by encouraging those who are afraid to step up and take a risk to take a risk for once in their life. We must fight for what we believe in or die trying. We must not be afraid of being violently harmed or jailed because our causes are worth fighting the system in order to bring equality and stability to those less fortunate and economically unequipped to deal with much of what they are facing. We must fight the power so that we make this world we live in a better place for all those who partake in. We must fight the power against racism, inequality, sexism, discrimination, hate crimes, and other injustices that hinder progress, peace and stability in this world we stay in. We must fight the power in order to eliminate poverty, illiteracy, HIV/AIDS, cancer, inequity, and any other just causes within this world that need fighting for.
We must fight the power people or die trying to accomplish the unthinkable and sometimes the inevitable. We must fight the power people because if we don’t who will. We must fight the power by saying the truth no matter whose feelings are hurt or offended. We must fight the power people because we need a better world than we inherited. We can’t allow a few cowards to stop the movement. We can’t allow a few gutless yellow bellies to stop the revolution. We must fight the power people. We must fight the powers that be and at be by any means necessary.
We must fight to uplift our society and we must fight to make a difference in society each and every day. We must fight to make each other stronger. We must fight to make each other angry not at each other but at the situations we have been placed in. We must fight to be hungry for change. We must fight to make each other hungry for a better life. We must fight the power people otherwise we are doomed. We must fight the powers that be no matter how hard or difficult it might be. We must fight the powers that be because they are the ones who are trying to hold us back from accomplishing our goal of a better world.
We must fight the stereotypes. We must fight the powers that indulge in negativity and name calling. We must fight the powers that get rich off war and prosper off the demise of others. We must fight the powers that rejoice in others misery. We must fight the powers that abuse our women and children while making our men look like boys without a mind for themselves. We must fight the powers that try to suppress our voices in order to deny the truth from being shared and told. We must fight the powers that continue to destroy the character of those who are trying to uncover the truth to the lies that have been feed to us time and time again.
We must fight the powers that try to write history so that it benefits a select group of people while suppressing the entire truth to the other groups of people. We must fight the powers that deny us the right to equality and justice. We must fight the powers that be who continue to deny us access to the doors of freedom that we all deserve. We must fight the powers that aren’t looking to give us what we need and don’t intend to ever give us what we want no matter if what we want is what we need. We must fight the powers that be who think we are not same. We must fight the power with awareness and we must not get careless, people.
We must fight the power and make sure everyone knows that our goal is to educate. We must fight the power with not just our words but our actions. We must fight the power by educating those of us who refuse to listen and we must make them listen regardless of how verbally abusive they might be. We must fight the power by taking down those of us who indulge in foolish insults and deny the truth when it is in front of their eyes. We must fight the power against even those that are considered idiots who don’t comprehend when they read and teach them how to read to comprehend so that they can be educated.
Fight the power people so that the masses don’t stay zombies. Fight the power so that future generations don’t inherit a world full of hatred and distain for one another. Fight the power by uplifting and encouraging others rather than prosecuting those who don’t think, dress and act like you. Fight the power by not name calling but by welcoming those who don’t think like you into your circle so that you can understand them. Fight the power with what we have learned from our past. Fight the power with wide spread sharing of knowledge and by being proactive rather than reactive.
Fight the power not now but right now. Fight the power right here, right now. The time to fight the power has never been greater and the time for you to accept your responsibility to be a part of the movement has never been greater. Fight the POWER! Fight the Powers at be! Fight the Powers that be! Fight them now! Fight them forever! Fight them until you die! Fight the Power and share in the Power by giving it to all those who have been denied Power for years!
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