The answer to that question is not a simple one but the reality is that many people have been trying to figure out why Americans do not react to what this nation is doing in the world today, both at home and abroad. While the answer might be much simpler than many of us imagined but initially it appeared that Americans were either just asleep or were willfully blind to all that is and was being done in our name. While it appears very much that the American population is behaving like a herd of dumb animals, slavishly following orders from a certifiable “leader’ who has no qualifications, no leadership skills and no accompanying track record that could ever have justified the failures of President George W. Bush in the office that he now occupies. The reality is that the Bush’s cabinet has been filled with equally unqualified people who collectively have no experience in military matters, or in the administration of anything meaningful or real. Therefore why does this nation credit this spoiled offspring from a truly criminal family, this AWOL coward who ran away on 9/11 instead of doing anything at all to interrupt the attacks of that day? Why has Bush not yet explained himself to the nation or the world for his hide & seek tactics that started on 9/11 but continued during Hurricane Katrina as he just flew over the damage on his way to his ranch in Texas rather than land in New Orleans and really survey the damage done to the Gulf Coast region?
So now as President Bush asks for a $700 billion dollar bailout and tells us that if this bailout doesn’t take place it could pose grave damages for America’s economy. President Bush and others spoke about the grave dangers of what could happen without this bailout the stock market and the American economy could fail and result in some of the largest market loses in America’s history. Low and behold when the House was set to take a vote on the bailout, the stock market begin to fall and at the end of the day, the American stock market closed nearly 800 points down as the House of Representatives voted “NO” to the bailout proposal otherwise known as the Financial Market Bill. Thus with all that said, many intelligent American people who have disagreed with Bush the last 8 years and his policies including the war in Iraq, now all of sudden agree with President Bush and his proposed bailout plan that was modified by both Republicans and Democrats. How can so many intelligent American people now all of sudden agree with President Bush Plan A plan on the economy that is similar to the Plan A plans that he gave us in regards to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Since when do as the American people only go with Plan A and not have a Plan B, C, D, or E on the table or at least an emergency plan on the table just in case something happens.
It seems as if we the American people are simply being hoodwinked and bamboozled by President and the rest of our political officials with simply scare tactic after scare tactic that is filled with language of if we don’t do this, it would lead to economic doom. What type of economic doom are we talking about? Has anyone explained that in terms that we the American people would under? The answer to that is no. President Bush gave a prime time speech that was suppose to tell us the American people why this bailout is necessary and what the grave dangers of not passing this bailout could mean to our economic future. In the mid nineteen-thirties Sinclair Lewis wrote "It Can't Happen Here" and in that novel he concluded: " where in all history has there ever been a people so ripe for a dictatorship as ours!" Even today the U.S. Senate cannot bring itself to apologize to the victims of lynching - 4,743 people killed (illegally) between 1882 and 1968," and we call ourselves a civilized nation! Well to be entirely fair to the members of the U.S. Senate, they did pass legislation apologizing for slavery but not all the lynching practices and deaths that came about from the practices of slavery. We the people of the Untied States of America have taken a dire situation and intensified the risks, destroyed the impediments that might have slowed the rise of anarchy, and all the while we have remained deaf, dumb, and blind to what we are creating—WHY?
If the dead of all those wars we entered into—to "Make the World Safe for Democracy"—were to be heard on this subject the chorus would be deafeningly opposed to our present course of action. Yet the public in its bubble world of profits and power continues on the one sure path that will bring death and ruination to all the Outlaws say they represent. These men and women who died in our wars would not applaud what has been done with the sacrifice they did not really choose to make. In WWII 50 million died, for this? In the two wars that have been going on now, there are officially over 1700 dead, and there have been over a hundred-thousand exposed to Depleted Uranium and the malignancy of that disease that continues to kill long after the guns have been silenced: this affects not only the GI's but their families as well—yet the public is still not concerned enough to demand real answers from those who got us into this situation.
How many more must die before we begin to scream ENOUGH? What's the magic number here 2,000, 10,000 - 20,000 dead? Who decides what that weighty number will be, who will stand against this injustice, not just for our dead but also for all the people that have been maimed or displaced or killed because of our belligerence? Why is it so hard for Americans to understand that the people we kill for the OUTLAWS all have families, dreams and would have had futures, had we not slaughtered them, too! Why do we seemingly not want to know who is responsible for pulling the strings on our homegrown Outlaws—the thugs who sign the orders - then lie about the facts of what they have done and continue to do hourly? One reason that seems to hold a lot of sway is that Congress no longer makes our laws; they’ve sold that privilege to the highest bidders. Just take a look at whose funding their political campaigns and take a look at who has benefitted the most from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
The Government of the United States of America is now of, by and for the Corporations. These are the same corporations, the Corporatocracy, to whom the people of the USA have bequeathed a literal and legal eternal life, while at the same time allowing their own corporate "best interests" to over-ride the needs and interests of the very citizens who made all that largess possible. All the terms of any agreements that the workers for such companies signed on for—are now subject to nullification at the whim of the corporations. The retirement funds, the health-care, and the long-term interests of those who made the profits happen, now represent nothing but "excessive costs" to the corporations that are failing on all fronts, because they have destroyed any incentive for anyone besides the upper-level managers to profit from their existence. Is this the American Dream or just simply corporate greed and the buyout of our political officials who are elected by the people to serve the people but have served corporations and big business time after time?
However it gets worse people? Americans gave the newly minted outlaw corporations the legal right to exist—now those corporations have not further need for the working Americans, because now they have foreign markets to buy their outsourced products, so the public here is overripe to become nothing more than a wage-enslaved herd of animals to be directed and controlled by what suits the corporations—at each and every turn in their corporate schedule for hegemony. This corporate greed and corruption has run amuck for years and it is clear that we the American people have lost our will to not only speak out but to fight. We have no leadership, no voice, no warrior or any soldier for that matter willing to put their life on the line to fight for the issues that matter to us because they all sell out the American people for the all mighty dollar. The list of leaders both locally and nationally, who have taken up just causes on behalf of the people, that have sold out the message for the price of the almighty dollar or better yet have sold out the people and the message for their own self interests. Therefore we the American people seem to have lost our voice, our will to fight and our might to stand for a cause greater than our own.
The reality is that the the answers to the above questions are not pretty, but it goes something like this. War is GREAT for business and it's especially good for stockholders, people with jobs at those corporations who hold the SECRET no-bid contracts, and for insiders. Normally Wars are good for the initiating country for the profits that are generated by that action. In this case, since the jobs have been outsourced, down to and including the manufacturing of American Flags in China—this nation has actually lost millions of jobs because of the war, and its demands upon our outsourced corporate legions whose profits have never been greater. All this while the public was told to "just go shopping" because President Bush didn’t want our economy to fail and didn’t want the terrorist attacks of 9/11 to cause panic to the American people in the sense that many of us probably would have stayed at home rather than go to work or school or anywhere for that matter because of fear of what else was going to happen in the days following 9/11. It is clear that the best interests of the American people has been lost the last 8 years but the demise of the intelligent, working, fighting middle class of America started long before President Bush took office.
Perhaps it is understandable if the above is the real reason why so many refuse to "know" what's going on—this could explain many things. For instance if the above is true, then it would definitely be understandable that many would indeed fear for the loss of their jobs, or the loss of the income generated in their 401K's, or their stock portfolios – “IF” they were to publicly demand accountability from those who created 9/11 and then started these wars to cover-up their crimes. No wonder all the little lambs chose silence over protest: that is what the "smart-money" always does! However we the American people complain day and day out about what is going on but we never put our own selves on the line to fight the greed and corruption that is taking place in America. We the American people can’t simply forgo all that previous movements before us have fought for and give in to our own self interest which is the greed of money and comfort living we are accustomed to. We the American people must look to our past and fight like the civil rights movement, the feminist movements, the Abolitionists’ movements and anti-war movements of the past have done to get the change they wanted to see in the world. We the American people must relive those moments in order to save our future generations from the trouble that our current government and political officials have gotten us into along with the big corporations and lobbyists groups of America.
Therefore I want to thank you the American people for allowing this to happen because it took a lot of guts, determination and perseverance to turn this democracy on its head, and to learn to worship Outlaws while we are killing everything that we have always professed to "believe in." Welcome to the Dumbocracy of the New United States of the Corporatocracy. We have created a prison of the mind that will destroy any rational thoughts we ever had of being human. Maybe, we have become nothing more than pod people without the capacity for critical thought. We have abdicated all that we would each have brought to being viable beings, opting instead to live as footnotes in the margins of the lives of faceless, soulless corporations. In the final analysis we are destroying all that makes each of us valuable—to ourselves or to others.
Think about it—do you really want to be the excuse given for the USA to continue to live as the world's sole Dumbocracy? Break the Silence - NOW! I know I am asking too much of us as Americans but I don’t believe that we no longer have a will. While some might believe that we no longer have a strength of spirit, I believe our spirit has just been asleep for some years and now like the sleeping Giant, it has awakened. No longer can we live in fear and I don’t believe that we care the Dumbocracy that many of our government officials want us to believe we are and that many big corporate executives on Wall Street want us to be in order for them to continue to dominate America’s message in terms of shows on television and programming not only on television but on the radio. Some people believe that many Americans don’t fear their jobs but whether we as Americans just don’t care about the issues that don’t concern us so that’s why we don’t have a will to fight. I just don’t believe that is true and I believe that we the people do care about retaliation from our job if we speak out against them or an issue that our employer doesn’t want us to voice our opinions about.
I don’t believe that we the people have a loss of interest and of strength of will but instead we just have not received any real reason to fight greater than now. The writing is on the wall and we the American people have seen the light. We have seen just how our own media has tried to dumb down so many of the issues that should matter and how our “Free Press” is no longer free but it is more so costly to any and everyone who has spoken out against our political officials yet alone wrote about them. We the American people have seen how our elected officials have tried to dumb down the real issues by telling us lies and using scare tactics that in the past has struck far in the hearts of many us but as we see it now, those types of lies and scare tactics don’t strike fear in our lives any more but it excites us and gives us the energy we have needed to fight when sometimes we might not want to fight after a long day of perhaps being defeated. We the American people are sick and tired of being sick and tired and that’s why we are not going to allow these same elected leaders to lead us down a path of even further destruction because we know that their mistaken opinions and distortion of the facts will not make it all better for the everyday Americans that make this country what it is. We the people used to elect these leaders because we had faith in them but our faith has been lost in our elected officials particularly those who have been in D.C. during nothing for the American people but only wasting time making their pockets fatter.
While some would like for us the American people to continue to cop out and merely become lemmings following the piper piping the same old worn out tunes, same promises which are rarely or never kept than they are mistaken who the American people have been, will be and are. We, the American people will not and cannot stand by and be silent but we are now ready to break this silence. This is what I believe will happen in order to fight back against this mass transit of “Dumb It Down for the People”, better known as Dumbocracy. We the American people will break our silence and we will no longer be a silent revolution and movement but we will be a revolution that is aimed at changing the corrupt politicians in our government, ruled by money, not by their constituencies. This moment has not passed us by unless we believe it has because we the people are fed up with the status quo and this is the time for the real revolution that will change us, America, for the better. We do have the guts to do it and we must believe now more than ever that our time is now. Therefore for those of us who really want this type of change, this revolution and this movement have to speak out, must speak out, have to fight and must of all have to fight in order to bring the “Future of America and the World” that we want to see in these moments of uncertainty and when more than ever clarity is needed, we must not waver, we must not buckle at the obstacles that are in front of us because we are facing just what other men and women have met.
This is cannot continue to be a Dumbocracy and we cannot continue to allow us as a people to allow us to be dumb down any longer. Our Time is Now! Our Moment is Now! Our Movement is Now! And our Moment of Clarity is not just now but Right Now!
Dumbocracy—The Silence Of Americans
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