Single parent homes are becoming more and more of the parenting trend these days. Which is why when it comes to parental responsibility, most of it needs to be geared toward single parents. While much talk has been given to fatherless homes, it should be stated that there are some good fathers out there who are taking care of their children more so than the mother. Single parent homes are a problem throughout America and while it is more prevalent in the African American community, it happens everywhere around America. There, in order to win this war on our youth and to make parents take more responsibility in the lives of their children, we have to understand single parents. This is not an attack on single parents because some single parents are doing the best they can with what they have and are trying their best raise their child or children. However many single parents are not doing enough and are not even trying to improve their living conditions yet alone their child’s or children’s future.
So this is targeted toward those single parents who are not trying to uplift and motivate the mindsets of future youth everywhere. Single parents are a huge chuck of the parental responsibility issue that is plaguing our society. Those single parents who are not reading to their children, helping them with their child’s or children’s homework and are allowing their child or children’s to run the streets to all times of the night are the ones that need to take responsibility. Single parents who are more concerned with having a friendship with their or are still stuck in their teen years themselves and have not learned that they are parents to they can’t continue to do the things they did when they were teenagers themselves are the ones who need to accept parental responsibility.
Single parents have it tough trying to raise a child, educate a child, feed a child and pay all the bills of the household as well. However there are some single parents who don’t even try to do this. Some single parents don’t try to make sure that their child is being feed well, are getting a good night sleep and are going to school on time. Too many single parents are neglecting the bare necessities for a child to be successful in school and life such as clothing a child, making sure a child is feed and arrives to school on time. It should be clear that single parents are essential to us winning this war on our youth and since we are in the third generation of children raising children raising children than it should be clear that without these parents we are in trouble.
This war on our youth is one that can be won but it must start with us being engaged with single parents. It will take a collaborative effort for us to tackle single parents and their mishaps. Single parents must first say they want better and need help in not only making their lives better but the lives of their children better. Single parents must be willing to do better first and foremost before we as a community say we are going to help them because what usually happens is that when you help to some single parents, they take that help and run with it especially if it is monetary assistance and they never use it to improve their conditions or the conditions of their child or children. As I stated, this is not an attack on those single parents who are trying to do better and are trying to make the lives of their child or children better while also improving their own lives. This is simply an attack on the lazy single parents who are not even trying to make their children’s future better yet alone their own.
The reality is that there is a core group of single parents that are hindering, damaging and killing the prospects of hundreds of thousands if not millions of youth from living productive educated lives. This core group of single parents that are doing this are the ones who are more than likely to create the murderers, gang bangers, drug dealers and societal trouble makers that we deal with in our societal. If we really want to win this war on our youth than we must began with attacking single parents’ attitudes toward society and life in general. Single parents must realize that they are essential to youth not only surviving but living productive lives that benefits them all. That is why single parents not to put down their hustling days such as selling drugs of any kind, bootlegging cd’s and dvd’s, and robbing and stealing of anything of any kind. Single parents need to stop using non-prescription drugs especially marijuana because that is what prevents them from having a clear mindset. Single parents need to stop the constant drinking and alcohol abuse that leads to them being heavily being verbally and physically abusive at times.
Single parents must learn that they need to get off their butts and get their GED’s if they didn’t complete high school and they need to go to college to at least get an associate degree if they don’t get the bachelor’s. Single parents need to be an example for their child or children to look up in terms of how to preserve even when you mistake and how to never give up on your goals no matter what. Single parents need to also realize that just because your child or children are in their teen years, doesn’t mean that they can revert back to being teens themselves or they can act like they no longer have a responsibility to raise their child because that is so far from the truth. Single parents have the same amount of responsibility in raising a teenager as they do a toddler. While teenagers are more responsible than toddlers, single parents must realize that until their child is 18 years old and considered an adult by law than single parents are still responsible for making sure they go to school and class.
This is the problem that we have to deal with and this is the problem that we must solve as a societal in order to win this war on our youth. Single parents must step up and realize that they are the ones they had a child or children and although another parent walked out on them and left them to raise that child or children by themselves, they shouldn’t neglect their responsibility as a parent to do the best for that child or children as they can just because they were put in this bad situation. The reality is that single parents regardless if they are father or mother must stop blaming their misfortunes on others and taking their hatred, frustration or distain for the other parent out on their child or children. It is not the child or children’s fault that one parent left another parent to raise them so that is why a child or children shouldn’t be the one’s getting the grunt of that frustration and mean spirit that their single parent spews out.
Single parents must realize that have a responsibility to do which is to love their child or children and provide for their child and children the best way they know how well seeking assistance and help when needed. However single parents can’t expect hand outs all the time and must be striving to pull themselves up by their bootstraps in order to make a better life for not just themselves but their child’s or children’s life as well. Single parents do have it tougher than other parents because they have to be father and mother, good cop and bad cop, and warden and priest. However that alone is not an excuse for single parents to at least try to provide for their child or children by making sure they are equipped for school, they are studying, reading and doing their homework. Single parents owe it to their child or children to do the best for them they can, to give them all the love they can give to them and to make the best of their unhappy home as they can.
The youth deserve better than what they are getting from their parents and they deserve more. The war on our youth must end but one battle that must be won in this war is changing the status quo of single parents and some of their neglect to their parental responsibility. Single parents can’t continue to pass their parental duties on to their parents and other relatives. Single parents cannot think that being a parent is simply clothing a child and feeding a child because there is more to parenting than that. Single parents must be engaged in their child’s or children’s educational endeavors and single parents must be willing to improve their own education feats. Single parents must read with their child or children, must get their child or children involved in extracurricular activities besides just sports but educational and academic endeavors that will stimulate their minds as well as expose them to other things in life such as the arts and music. The war on our youth can’t be won without some single parents changing their attitudes, their mindsets and their lives to live more productive and prosperous lives.
Single parents have to step up and must step up for their youth to do better and be better. This is the beginning of the movement and I pray that single parents finally step up to save our youth. Our youth deserve better and need better. That is why we must end this senseless war on our youth once and for all. So single parents have to step up right here, right now so that our youth can see better days and live better more productive lives. This is the moment and this is where it all begins.
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