I come before you today extremely upset how at the direction this country has gone in for the last soon to be 9 years. As much as I want to believe we have changed America for the better, there are still pockets in our society who would rather see us divided than united.
America we have seen just how easy it is to divide a nation and how we as a nation fought long and hard to overcome many of those divisions. However no matter how far we fight and how hard we fight, there are pockets of society that are still divided by the language of those who we elect to lead us. We are no longer divided by simply ethnicity, age, gender and economics but we are being divided by rhetoric but not just any rhetoric but political rhetoric.
How soon do we forget people that for 8 years if we questioned President, we were called unpatriotic. For 8 years if we questioned the war in Afghanistan or Iraq were we considered un-American. Now 8 months into President Obama’s term, we are being called racist if we disagree with anything Obama does or if we show up and protest we are called an angry mob or evil mongers. In fact those who protested higher taxes were called teabaggers which to some degree can be used a derogatory sexual term since teabagging is used to explain a certain type of sexual act.
Still after 8 years of experiencing many of my friends and me being called anti-American or un-American if we questioned the ethics of government or if we questioned the actions of President Bush, I thought for sure that this would change with the election of President Obama. I thought with the election of President Obama, all the name calling would stop and finally government would be more transparent and more honest than it has been the previous 8 years. However it seems as if our nation hasn’t changed much from the name calling but the name calling has changed.
The left has went from being called unpatriotic and un-American by many on the right to now calling many on the right evil mongers, angry mobs or racists. While to a slim degree these labels might be true but to consider everyone who questions a President or government un-American, unpatriotic, evil mongers, angry mobs or racists is a shame. America we must change and we must change now.
We need to change our society from being a society of name callers to a society that agrees to disagree without calling each other’s name. Our nation needs to change people because we can’t continue to allow those of us on the left from going to being called unpatriotic and un-America to now doing the name calling. Our nation needs to change people because we can’t continue to allow those of us on the right from calling names to being called evil mongers, angry mobs, teabaggers or racist.
America, we can do better this. We can do better this political rhetoric that is being spun in the mainstream news by political pundits and politicians to keep us divided. As President Obama once said as a Senator, “We are not red states or blue states but we are the United States of America.” We are the red, white and blue. We are one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
America needs to change because the direction we are going in, is not the America that I dream of. I don’t dream of an America where we bicker and fight by calling each other names that only drive the wedge between the right and the left deeper. I dream of an America where we understand our differences, work to strengthen what we agree on and in the process learn to compromise on our differences so all of us can get what we want.
America needs to change because we shouldn’t be a fearful nation or a nation that puts fearful ideas in the heads of the people. I have seen for 8 years how our government has struck fear in our hearts with notions that another terrorist attack is coming if we don’t do this and if we don’t do that. Now I have seen for the last year and half our government tell us that we are going to be in a Great Depression or our economy is going to collapse if we don’t’ bailout the financial institutions, the auto industry or this company and this business. I have seen our government tell us for the last 8 years and 8 months that if we don’t pass this bill, the worst will occur to us as a nation and as a result many of our freedoms were taken away through the Patriot Act and our national debt grew as deficits ballooned all the while the taxpayer dollars were being wasted on countless things that don’t help the majority of Americans.
Now don’t get me wrong, this is not entirely President Obama’s problem and I applaud him for what he is trying to do but please believe that he has played a role in the problem before he has started trying to finally fix it. Remember President Obama was the junior Senator from Illinois from 2005 to 2008 so he is not immune from the reckless spending that took place in D.C. and he is not immune from the rights and freedoms that have been taken from us as nation. Thus America, we can’t be fooled, this is not a Democratic problem or a Republican problem but this is an American problem. We are all affected by the reckless spending of government in which both Democrats and Republicans have added to.
America we need to change all of this. We can’t continue to go down this path in our nation because I refuse to believe that we can’t be united. I refuse to believe that our differences are greater than our similarities. America I refuse to believe that our nation wants to continue to be divisive and mean spirited to one another.
This is our time to truly change America. Change is in the air but it starts with us not allowing political rhetoric that instills fear and scare tactics to reign supreme in our nation. We need to fight against the national media pundits who wedge a divide between us as Americans and who try to play on our deepest fears such as the possibility of President Obama being shot. If a media pundit who supported President Bush even suggested that people would be happy to see President Bush get shot, they probably would have lost their job for saying it but it seems as if it is okay for people to suggest such a thing in the age of Obama because so many of us love Obama. However it is not okay. It is not okay to say Obama is a racist and it is not okay for others to play the race card in everything that we do in this nation.
Enough is enough people. We can’t continue down this path of name calling and fear mongering. We can’t allow political rhetoric and vicious attacks to drive a wedge between us the American people who this nation was built on. We can’t allow the right and the left to divide us. Majority of Americans are not evil mongers, angry mobsters, teabaggers, un-American, unpatriotic and racist people. Instead majority of Americans are peace loving, concerned and civically active citizens after years of being silent and being treaded on by our own government. America is awake and we are sick, we are tired, we are frustrated and most of all we want to be heard for the first time in a long time.
America, we are the people who not only want a more perfect union but a union that is respectful that is stronger and that is vibrant for all Americans to live in. America we can’t allow our nation to be divided. We need to stand up to political rhetoric that calls for us to be angry at either the right or left. We need to stand up to political rhetoric that demonizes those who march, who protest and who stand up for their rights and freedoms. However we need to make sure we don’t condone race baiting or extremists on the right and left who would rather drown out the voices of their opponents or those who don’t agree with them rather than see all voices heard.
This is our moment American to change the way we act, the way we speak and the way we fight. America needs to change and I believe that many of you out there agree with and are willing to stop the political rhetoric that is vivacious, demeaning, hateful and divisive. I believe that many of us don’ t view those who disagree with us on certain issues and topics as evil mongers, angry mobsters, teabaggers, unpatriotic, un-American and racist people.
America, we can be united, we can be stronger than we have ever been and we can win over those who think we are still divided and those who would rather for us to stay divided. America we must change and we will change but it starts now with not fighting each other but uniting to fight against the political rhetoric on the left and right that wants us to demonize and belittle each other so that we can never stand together.
However I don’t believe the political rhetoric. I don’t believe that the divisive, hateful and race baiting politics of the left and right will win over. I don’t believe that extremists on the left and right will win. We can’t allow them to win. We can’t allow them to continue to drive the wedge between us the American people.
We the People of this great nation must stand up and fight together against the bias and unfair media that continues to race bait and continues to invoke fear mongering our society. We the People must stand up for the voiceless, the sick, the young, the elderly and the underprivileged who time and time again continue to get treaded on by those who want to divide us with their political rhetoric.
We the People must learn that education and healthcare are not political issues but are American issues that all Americans should have access to that is affordable and fair for all. We the People must stand up and must work together to fight against bigotry, racism, and all kinds of hatred as well as race baiting no matter if it comes from the right or the left. We the People must stand united and must stand together no matter what.
America this is what we are about. We probably can’t change our past but we can change our present in order to improve our future. America we can do this and we must change now if we are to do it. I have a dream that political rhetoric that tries to divide us and race baits will one day no longer be effective to majority of Americans. I have a dream that one day that those on the extreme left and right will wake up one day and realize that their scare tactics, the fear mongering, their race baiting and political hate speech is no longer effective and they will want to reform in order to fit into society civically.
America that is my dream and that is dream that I plan for fight for. We all have dreams and I want each of us to achieve our dreams but we cannot do it if we continue to allow political rhetoric to drive a wedge between us and allow race baiters to get us caught up in the color of a man’s skin rather than the character of a man.
America I believe we are closer to my dream than the dream that many fear mongers, race baiters and divisive individuals would rather want us to believe. If we could unite to fight against the British, to end slavery, to help win World War I & II, to help get through the Great Depression and to end Jim Crow than I think we can unite to end race baiting and fear mongers.
America I believe if we can achieve voting rights for African Americans, for women and for youth than I think we can defeat divisive political rhetoric. America I believe if we can get civil rights passed not once but twice in this nation as well as a voting rights act that protects all Americans voting rights than we can end the political rhetoric that entices extremists and breathes hatred.
I know we all believe that we can do this and that is why I believe more than ever that my dream is closer than some may believe. This is dream isn’t just about me but it is about all of us because if my dream comes true than that means all of our dreams come true.
America we need to change and we will change but we will only change by fighting against extremists on the right and left who want to drive a huge wedge in this nation and have us taking that we are red and blue states rather than the United States of America.
America we are the United States of America and we need to let those who spew divisive rhetoric know that we are not going to stand for it. This isn’t about Barack Obama and all of this didn’t just start with his rise to the Presidency. Therefore for anyone to try to say that this is a racial issue, they are just flat out wrong and I am here to tell you that this is bigger than Obama and it won’t end with Obama’s presidency unless we stand up now to those on the extreme left and right to end it.
Race baiting is not a black, white or brown issue but it is an American issue that tries to drive a huge wedge between all ethnicities in this country but we will not allow it because we are all Americans and we refuse to be divided.. Fear mongering is not a red or blue issue but it is an American issue aimed at making many Americans fearful and scared in order to control us as a society but this political tactic will no longer work as long as we work together to uncover the real truth.
T.S. Elliot once said, "Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find how far one can go." Well I am here to tell you that the extreme right and left went too far a long time ago and because they have went unchecked for this long, their message has been implanted in many of our communities but that doesn’t mean it can remain forever. I am here to tell you that we can change this in America.
I am willing to make sure that fear mongering and race baiting ends in this great nation of ours. It must end now and it must begin with us fighting together to silence the extreme left and right in this nation that wants us divided and wants us fighting amongst each other rather than working together.
America needs to change and that change begins with each one of us stepping up to the plate to stop race baiting and fear mongering in this nation once and for all. We have to stand up for one another not now but right now. America the dawn of our future begins with what we do today to end prejudice, bigotry, discrimination and racism of all kinds. America future’s history begins with what we do today to end the scare tactics of yesterday and the fear speech of the world is coming to end if we don’t do this and if we don’t do that.
America we need to change, we must change and we will change. This is it America and I feel the change movement coming that will end the extremism on the left and right as well as the race baiting and fear mongering.
America needs to change and we are not only ready, loaded and fired up to change to but we will be the change that we want to see in this great nation of our. America will have fought against worse and won. Therefore, we will win this fight with every ounce of energy that we have in our bodies.
America needs to change and we will change by ending race baiting and fear mongering righter here, right now so that America’s future can prosper.
Remember Each One, Reach One, Teach One so America’s Future Can Prosper!
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