Health insurance reform deals with insurance prices for those currently covered and those who can afford healthcare but choose not to get coverage due to the fact it is too costly. However health insurance reform doesn’t deal with that sector of America approximately 20 plus million who can’t afford the current system of healthcare whatsoever no matter if the insurance plans change and payments adjust. That’s why the debate at the healthcare town halls needs to calm down and the debate in D.C. needs to shift back to healthcare reform in order to improve quality of healthcare, the cost of healthcare and other costs in general. Nonetheless, the reason why the healthcare town halls have become so out of control and near chaos is because people are angry and concerned about two things: the cost and their own healthcare coverage.
The truth of the matter is the healthcare debate has intensified because there are a lot of ideas, distortions and quote unquote plans out there but the truth of the matter is that there is no plan which is the problem to begin with. While President Obama has outlined what he wants in a healthcare plan, he hasn’t on the other produced any bill that would paint a clear cut picture of what is actually in the healthcare bill. The misconceptions, the distortions and all the information that we the America people are getting is because of the fact that we don’t have a clear cut healthcare plan or healthcare bill for us to look it. So when it comes to these healthcare town halls, I can understand why some people are frustrated and angry and why others are looking for answers. I can understand the protests, the shooting and the mayhem but what I can’t understand is why are people criticizing the America people or placing blame at the insurance companies.
The truth of the matter is that the insurance companies got in on the healthcare debate early and they were allowed a sit at the table so literally, they are in on writing any healthcare legislation which was a bad idea to begin with. So now as some including the President try to paint the healthcare insurance companies as the bad the guy, which they are, it is hard for me to understand why allow the bad guy a sit at the table particular a seat at the legislation table before you allow some Republicans a sit. That’s the problem and apart of the reason why the debate about healthcare has become tainted, poisoned and even misshaped to a degree. Since we don’t have one clear cut plan or a clear cut bill to speak about, so much information is being thrown around that it is hard to understand what is which bill or any bill for that matter.
The debate about healthcare needs to be about healthcare reform which is what the debate started out being to begin with. If we reform healthcare than we deal with quality, costs and coverage all at the same time which includes healthcare care insurance reform. Now if we just deal with health insurance reform than we are leaving out quality in its entirety and parts of cost and coverage. This is why we have to shift the healthcare debate back to healthcare reform. Secondly we need to state what the plan is. This is not the time for ideas but we need to know what the actual healthcare plan is and what bill should we the American people be paying attention. The reality is that we have too many healthcare bills with 3 in the House and 2 in the Senate so it is hard to figure out what are the healthcare bills and what has what in it. Now there have been other bills but for the most part they have all been merged to some degree into one of the five healthcare bills in Congress.
So the debate over healthcare has intensified because there is not a real plan for people to critique or criticize. Also there is no plan to explain how healthcare will be paid for. This is a major concern of many people but the truth of the matter is that these healthcare town halls should be calm down. No one wins a shooting match and that is why both sides, supporters of healthcare reform and those who don’t support some of the ideas the healthcare debate, we need to have a real calm and informative discussion where all questions heard and answers are given. It is time for us the American people to learn what our Congressional leaders both Senators and Representatives know about what’s in the bills and what isn’t. What can be learned from these town halls are what we the people think isn’t good healthcare reform and what we the people think is good healthcare reform.
Our Congressional leaders have been on Capitol Hill planning all types’ things without any real hearings or input from us the public so now is the time for us to speak. We need to speak at these town halls by listening to those we agree and disagree with in order to make sure we are all heard. It’s okay to be angry, it’s okay to mad and it’s okay to be upset but do it in a respectful manner. Now is the time for our congressional leaders to hear what we the people to say about healthcare reform because for far too long we have not been heard. The healthcare debate has been intensified and both Democrats and Republicans have created the chaos at these forms and while many have been shown as YouTube moments, the truth is that most of the outrage is legitimate and that there are some concerned citizens in this nation.
That is why these healthcare town halls are needed but they are needed in a tasteful way. We can’t continue allow the healthcare debt to be distorted or for it to be changed from healthcare reform to health insurance reform. America, we have to be respectful about this and I totally understand why some are mad, upset and angry but the truth is that there is no clear cut healthcare reform so that is what we should be mad about and there is no plan to tell us the American people how we will pay for it. Healthcare reform is going to bring out all types of people and the truth of the matter is that as the debate intensifies, let’s hope cooler heads prevail and we all are heard in order to come to some type solution on healthcare.
Healthcare Reform NOW!
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