Perhaps the last legitimate shot that America had achieving universal healthcare was when America elected its 42nd President William Jefferson Clinton. The momentum behind President Clinton and his universal healthcare agenda quickly fizzled as the Republicans controlled the debate and hammered Clinton’s wife, First Lady Hillary Clinton on the issue of healthcare. Thus no universal healthcare for Americans, only healthcare for most children in America which is what the situation is today.
Now with President Barack Obama being the nation’s 44th President, it seems as if America has another shot at achieving universal healthcare. In fact, this is perhaps the closest America has been since 1994. Nonetheless, all Americans, both rich and poor are desperate for an overhaul of the expensive healthcare system that America has. America has to get to work on passing legislation that will not only overhaul the healthcare industry but will insure all Americans not just this year but for decades and centuries to come.
When Senator Ted Kennedy talked about universal healthcare during his failed Presidential bid in 1980, he spoke of how America’s healthcare costs would sky rocket in unforeseen ways that many Americans will not be able to afford them. Then in 1994, President Clinton failed to make promise on his universal healthcare campaign promise as leaders of health care interest groups and Congress blocked any health care changes. So in 2009, as healthcare costs have ballooned to highs that many Americans can’t afford and with 46 million Americans uninsured, it is time that America finally works on behalf of its people.
The American people need universal healthcare and have been beginning for it, crying for it and craving it for decades. There are a lot of people out there who are desperate for help in paying their health care cost. There are a lot people out there who are desperate to have health care insurance so that they can see a doctor whenever they are sick. There are a lot of people out there who are desperate for assistance in buying the medicines they need to live. There’s a lot of desperation out there and this desperation will only get worse unless America does something now once and for all to fix the healthcare industry.
America’s healthcare system needs a major overhaul and both Democrats and Republicans must work to make sure that all Americans are insured. Both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party need to work to put together the most ridicule universal healthcare reform bill in America’s history that will guarantee that all Americans are insured. Americans are desperate for change when it comes to health care because without it, the life expectancy of many Americans will shrink. Now more than ever, Americans see the need for a massive reform of the healthcare industry that this nation has never seen before.
By fixing problems of access, cost and quality once and for all, all Americans can finally share extraordinary pride in finally dealing with something that has been vexing us for so long. When it comes to healthcare in America, the status quo is simply unsustainable and that is why the cry for change when it comes to the healthcare industry is louder than ever. For nearly 30 years, the debate around healthcare reform has been targeted as a moral imperative but now in the wake of America’s recession as well as the raising health care costs, it has become a fiscal imperative.
If we, as Americans, want to create jobs and rebuild our economy, then we must address the crushing cost of health care this year. That is why President Barack Obama and his administration must not only address healthcare during his presidency but they must achieve universal healthcare for all Americans some way, somehow. It is time that America finally gets pragmatic about addressing the healthcare industry and the needs of its people.
No matter how prescriptive America gets when addressing the healthcare, they need to be pragmatic more than ever. Health care costs are out of control and with about 46 million people uninsured according to the most recent census figures and with others paying more than they can afford, America is in a position where the healthcare industry can break the bank more than anything else. That is why like never before, America needs a major overhaul of the healthcare industry so that its future is put on more stable grounds.
As the cost of healthcare continues to get out of control, it is no wonder why America needs to put together a healthcare plan that is layered with massive reforms that will insure and make healthcare affordable for all Americans. The time has come and it is long overdue for America to finally have a healthcare system that works not just for the rich and convenient but for the poor and the inconvenient as well. The time is right as well as ripe and that is why the American people needs universal health care and health care reform like never before. Insuring children whose parents couldn’t afford to pay for them to be insured was a start but that was 15 years ago.
Now with President Barack Obama in office and with the Democratic Party in control of Congress in huge numbers, the time has never been greater and the moment has never been riper. That is why President Obama and Congress have no excuse to make sure that America’s healthcare industry is reformed like never before. America’s healthcare industry has needed to be reformed and if it doesn’t happen now than it is no telling when it will happen.
Universal healthcare has been long overdue in this “Great” nation of ours. But how great is a nation if it doesn’t increase the life expectancy of its own people by providing them with adequate and sufficient health care. Times have changed and many things within America have changed which is why the healthcare industry in America needs to change with the times. Reforming the healthcare industry is a must this year and the American people are yearning for it. That is why no matter if you are a Republican or Democrat, ignoring the fact that universal healthcare is long overdue is inexcusable.
America’s healthcare system needs major reforms that only both sides of the political spectrum can bring along with independents and moderates. Unlike 15 years ago, we the American people cannot allow special interest groups control the debate when it comes to healthcare reform. It is time to finally put universal healthcare in place. It is time to finally insure all Americans. It is time to finally make healthcare costs affordable for Americans. Universal healthcare has been long overdue.
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