Excerpts from the CMI: Charles Barkley

Sir Charles does not hold back on CMI this Sunday. (Getty Images)
Charles Barkley (on his religious views): "Religious people in general are so discriminatory against other people and that really disturbs me. My idea of religion is we all love and respect. We all sin, but we still have common decency and respect for other people. So right now I'm struggling with my idea of what religion is."
Barkley (on his liberal views): "I'm a big advocate of gay marriage. I think if they want to get married, God bless them ... Gay marriage is probably one percent of the population, so it's not like it's going to be an epidemic. Hey, trust me, I'm never going to kiss you and say, 'Chris, you're sexy.' It's not going to ever be an epidemic."
Barkley (on America's view of gay athletes): "America is so funny, they're such hypocrites. That's the thing about being famous or being a jock - we get the blame for everythingÂ
.But society in general discriminates against gay people; athletes in general would discriminate against gay people. Now if a gay guy can play, I want him on my team. Let's get that straight.""
Barkley (on racism in America): "If you're poor, you can change it. If you're black, it's not going to change. I'm a big advocate in what Bill Cosby says. We've got to do better as black people. Racism does exist. It's always going to exist."
Barkley (on the Republican party): "The Republicans have screwed up the country ... They use the word 'conservative,' which means discriminatory practices."
Barkley (on the Democratic Party): "They spent all their time criticizing George Bush. And I'm saying, ÂShut the hell up.' They're criticizing a guy who can't run again, who can't get fired. So they spent the last two years criticizing him instead of saying, ÂSome things aren't right. This is our game plan.' And now we're two years away from the election and we have no solutions and no front-runner."
Barkley (on Hurricane Katrina): "I was really deeply disturbed by the Hurricane Katrina thing. So I said, ÂWhat can I do? I'm going to give them a million dollars.' I couldn't give it to the Red Cross because that's like throwing it down the toilet. So I bought a million dollars worth of houses for the people in New Orleans. That's probably, to this day, the greatest thing I've done in my life."
Barkley (on how he'd develop policy as Governor of Alabama): "I don't know anything about global warming. I don't know anything about a lot of things, but I would ask somebody and try to make a fair, honest decision for the majority of the people. Not the rich, not the poor, not the black, not the white. When you get elected to public office, you're supposed to represent everybody. Your job is not to take care of the rich or the poor or the black or the white. Your job is to take care of everybody."
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